Terracotta Gets Ticketed

Terracotta teams up with Atlassian to streamline development with Jira.

As development on Terracotta is rapidly speeding up, we've gotten ticketed — in a good way! Thanks to Atlassian's support for open source projects, Terracotta now has a free Jira instance for project management and ticketing, and Confluence for document management.

Screenshot of Terracotta's Kanban board for the first development sprint in Jira.

Open source projects (like Terracotta) can apply for free access to Atlassian's cloud software here. The requirements are that the project is licensed under one of the Open Source Initiative's licenses, the source code is available for download, and the project has a publicly accessible website.

Wondering about that source code? It's right over here: https://github.com/terracotta-education/

Thank you Atlassian!